1 Dead Sea Scrolls Ironically these were first discovered by a Bedouin shepherd boy and this is a strong apologetic against theories that the Bible has been corrupted. Many assume that the Bible is the product of Chinese whispers, but these scrolls date between 300BC and AD 70. These scrolls demonstrate that the Old Testament was copied incredibly accurately over centuries. Further information can be found here. http://www.deadseascrolls.org.il/?locale=en_US
2 Boghazkoy, Hittite Capital This may sound neither exciting nor important, but it is! The reason being is that the liberals and higher critics reasoned that since no evidence to verify them had been found, this suggested in their view, that the Hittite people were fictional. The Hittites are mentioned frequently in the Old Testament. If you get the chance to go on holiday to Ankara, in Turkey, be sure to visit the museum of Anatolian Civilizations. For the meantime, why not have a look at the website http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN,39516/ankara—anatolian-civilizations-museum.html
3 The Cyrus Cylinder This not only mentioned King Cyrus conquering Babylon, but also the decree to allow the captives to return to their homelands which is consistent with the Biblical account (cf. Isaiah 44:28; 2 Chron. 36:22-23; Ezra 1:1-4). The Cyrus Cylinder is on display at Room 52, at the British Museum or you can simply click on this link. http://www.britishmuseum.org/explore/highlights/highlight_objects/me/c/cyrus_cylinder.aspx
4 The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III This depicts the Israelite King Jehu bringing tribute for the Assyrian King Shalmaneser. King Jehu’s rule over Israel is mentioned in 2 Kings 9-10 although the giving of tribute is not. You can also see this at Room 6 of the British Museum or here. http://www.britishmuseum.org/explore/highlights/highlight_objects/me/t/black_obelisk_of_shalmaneser.aspx
5 Sennacherib’s Prism This contains a record of Sennacherib’s achievements including the destruction of forty-six cities of Judah and King Hezekiah of Judah is said to have paid tribute to Sennacherib. You can read about Hezekiah and Sennacherib in 2 Kings 18-19 and Isaiah 36-37 and see the prism for yourself in London, sometimes referred to as ‘The Taylor Prism’ since they bought it from Colonel’s Taylor’s widow in 1855 and it is kept in Room 55, in the Mesopotamia section of the British Museum http://www.britishmuseum.org/explore/highlights/highlight_objects/me/t/the_taylor_prism.aspx
Further Reading
The Bible in the British Museum Interpreting the Evidence T. C. Mitchell
(The British Museum Press, 1988; London)
The Bible and the British Museum Ada R. Habershon (Morgan & Scott Ltd)
Through the British Museum with the Bible Brian Edwards & Clive Anderson
(Day One, 2004; Leominster)