The great covenants in the Bible demonstrate that the Lord is a faithful covenant keeping God and reassures us of His plans for Israel and the nations. This helps us to comprehend what the Lord does, when He does something and why. So why is a biblical covenant much greater than a human-initiated, legally binding contract? Why was the Adamic Covenant needed? What was the scope of the Noahic Covenant and how does that apply now? What are the implications of the everlasting Abrahamic Covenant? Who has kept the Mosaic Covenant perfectly? Who established a covenant with David and built him a house? How does the New Covenant bring real hope and lasting peace?
The feasts of the Lord in Leviticus 23 connect us with the history of Israel and have enormous significance past, present and future. The timing of the festivals foreshadow Messiah and events of eternal importance. The aphikomen is hidden and found, but what does that ultimately reveal? Unleavened bread is pierced and striped, but who could live a sinless life? What miraculous event occurred at the Feast of Firstfruits that has significance now? What was the greatest blessing of Shavuot and the relevance of that today? What will happen when the shofar sounds? How can atonement be made? And finally, at the Feast of Tabernacles, amongst the splendid surroundings of giant menorahs lighting Jerusalem and the water ceremony, who claimed to be the light of the world offering living water?
Biblical archaeology illuminates our understanding of the Scriptures bringing the Bible to life. There is a vast repository of artefacts viewable in the Bible lands and accessible in museums, meaning we can examine the historicity of the Bible. We can scrutinize the evidence by asking various questions. To what extent does biblical archaeology confirm or negate the reliability of the Bible? Can we be confident in dating the timing of the Exodus? Who was Pharaoh’s daughter who courageously cared for Moses? What evidence supporting the Bible can be seen and evaluated in the British Museum in London? Do we have solid archaeological evidence for King David? How important is the discovery and content of the Dead Sea Scrolls? What do independent Jewish, Roman and Greek ancient sources affirm concerning Yeshua (Jesus)?
The Songs of Ascent are as relevant today as when they were written three thousand years ago! Many of us can relate to David and the full range of experiences of the other psalmists. How did the Lord respond to the psalmist’s prayer for deliverance? Who is the “Shomer Yisrael”? How can we pray meaningfully for the peace of Jerusalem amidst turbulent times? How do these psalms relate to biblical events grounded in history? How has the Lord preserved His people? What is the vital significance of Jerusalem now? Lastly, how will Messiah bring peace?
There are a number of fascinating instances where Bible characters encounter the Angel of the Lord, actually see God and are surprised that they live! Who was at the top of Jacob’s ladder? How did Jacob wrestle with God and survive? Who met Moses at the burning bush? Who was the mysterious Commander of the army of the Lord who met Joshua? What was the exact identity of the Angel of the Lord who strengthened Gideon? Who was the fourth Man who met Daniel’s three friends in the fiery furnace? How do these narratives reveal Messiah?
A foreshadow or type is a representation by one thing of another. So how do the lives and experiences of Adam, Abel, Noah, Melchizedek, Isaac, Joseph, and Moses foreshadow Messiah? We know who the first Adam was, but who is the last Adam and why? Biblical names often reveal much about their character, but what is the significance of the names in the lineage of Adam to Noah? How does the blood of Abel still speak? What miraculous event occurred on the same date that the ark rested on the 17th Nisan? Who is a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek? What greater event did the binding of Isaac foreshadow? How does the life of Joseph resemble that of Messiah and who is the prophet like Moses?
Many great thinkers have influenced multitudes in their era and beyond and this booklet introduces only a small selection of relatively more recent thinkers in the history of Jewish thought. Another booklet may follow on the distinguished teachers and philosophers of ancient, medieval, and contemporary time. But who was the greatest Jewish thinker? Who is the most famous Rabbi who ever lived and the most famous Jewish person? Who was it that never authored a book though more books have been written about Him than any other person in history? Who was it that had a teaching ministry that lasted only three years, yet He taught with real authority as no one else ever taught?