Bible Studies

Exodus 26:30-37 Meeting with God

What does an ancient text written 4500 years ago, have to do with us today? Everything! The priest would not rush into the tabernacle and we should not rush into the presence of the


Exodus 25:1-9 Preparing to Meet God

The remaining chapters of Exodus are centred mainly around the Tabernacle. Thirteen chapters are devoted to the description of the Tabernacle in Exodus[i] and fifty chapters in the Bible[ii]. Why is the Tabernacle so


James 3:1-12 Controlling the Tongue

Although James 3 is a famous passage imploring us to be careful with the use of our tongues, the whole of this letter admonishes us to bridle our tongues (James 1:19, 26; 2:12; 3:5-8;


James 2:14-26 Evidence of a Living Faith

Is it possible to have a genuine saving faith without works? Seven questions are asked in this passage and some of these questions are rhetorical. If rhetorical questions reveal a self-evident response, why are


James 2:1-13 Beware of Partiality

James outlines the scenario of how one who is well attired and another shabbily clothed, are sometimes treated differently in a congregation. Sadly, this situation has occurred innumerable times worldwide and throughout the years.


Exodus 21:1-11-Who are you Serving?

How could it be, that leading up to the American Civil War, people used the Bible both arguing for and against slavery? We should consider that an accomplished lawyer can argue a case either


Nahum 3:1-7 The Fall of Nineveh

The way in which those from Nineveh had mistreated Israel and the surrounding nations would now be redirected upon them. The Assyrians were a bloodthirsty people and that is recorded graphically in history and