Exodus 26:30-37 Meeting with God
What does an ancient text written 4500 years ago, have to do with us today? Everything! The priest would not rush into the tabernacle and we should not rush into the presence of the
What does an ancient text written 4500 years ago, have to do with us today? Everything! The priest would not rush into the tabernacle and we should not rush into the presence of the
The remaining chapters of Exodus are centred mainly around the Tabernacle. Thirteen chapters are devoted to the description of the Tabernacle in Exodus[i] and fifty chapters in the Bible[ii]. Why is the Tabernacle so
James is not targeting ‘the wealthy’ in Chapter 5 but rather rich oppressors. He is concerned with our attitude towards money and its misuse which causes unnecessary misery to multitudes. James is not promoting
James uses the term ‘brothers, brethren or my brethren’ thirteen times in five chapters. He uses this term frequently since he is concerned with how we treat others in the congregation. Do not judge
Since James is writing to the believers, these strong words about war, fights, lust, murder and covetousness apply to us. James probes about the cause and where wars and fights originate from. Often, we
There is heavenly wisdom and earthly wisdom, or divine wisdom and human wisdom. Which voice are you listening to and what type of wisdom is shaping and influencing you? Who is wise and understanding?
Although James 3 is a famous passage imploring us to be careful with the use of our tongues, the whole of this letter admonishes us to bridle our tongues (James 1:19, 26; 2:12; 3:5-8;
Is it possible to have a genuine saving faith without works? Seven questions are asked in this passage and some of these questions are rhetorical. If rhetorical questions reveal a self-evident response, why are
James outlines the scenario of how one who is well attired and another shabbily clothed, are sometimes treated differently in a congregation. Sadly, this situation has occurred innumerable times worldwide and throughout the years.
Are you a doer as well as a hearer of the word of God? “Instead of blaming God under our trials, let us open our ears and hearts to learn what He teaches by
Introduction to James I wonder what comes into your mind when James informs us, count it all joy when you fall into various trials? Do you subconsciously glance over that? Does it seem strange
Exodus 23:14-17 Three Feasts point towards Messiah In these four verses we see that three times a year, all the male Israelites kept these feasts. These were the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast
Many people struggle to understand the significance of these laws in today’s society. Both misunderstanding and debate have arisen from a superficial reading and inadequate research of this text. If we are to make
How could it be, that leading up to the American Civil War, people used the Bible both arguing for and against slavery? We should consider that an accomplished lawyer can argue a case either
The remaining six commandments show us how we can love our neighbours and we should never lose sight of the fact that when we love our neighbours that is also for God’s glory. If
The Ten Commandments are not to be viewed merely as a restrictive list of prohibitions but as active commands showing us how we can serve God and others. For example, the opposite of bearing
A lawyer tested Jesus by asking Him, which is the greatest commandment in the law? Jesus responded that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all
Before meeting the Lord at Mount Sinai and the giving of the Law, the children of Israel had collectively affirmed, “All that the Lord has spoken we will do”(Exodus 19:8). Now the vital preparations
The giving of the Law is a momentous event in Scripture and also teaches that we must approach our holy God on His terms. From Adam until this juncture, there had been no direct
The Lord spoke with Moses plainly, face to face unlike other prophets and even rebuked Miriam and Aaron for speaking presumptively against him since he married a Cushite woman (Numbers 13). Hence the famous
This family reunion is not merely an interlude in the book of Exodus, but demonstrates how Jethro, the priest of Midian came to realise that Moses’ God, “The LORD,” was greater than all other
The fire will devour your gates In Nahum Chapter 2 it was foretold that the gates of the rivers would be opened and dissolve the palace. This was confirmed through independent historical writing such
The ancient site of Nineveh has been rediscovered through excavations in the last couple of hundred years but Thebes is visited by many tourists regularly. A joint venture between America and Iraq is currently
The way in which those from Nineveh had mistreated Israel and the surrounding nations would now be redirected upon them. The Assyrians were a bloodthirsty people and that is recorded graphically in history and