Biblical Archaeology

The Ashmolean Museum & The Bible

Just recently I visited the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, the oldest public museum in the UK and carefully noted the exhibits relating to biblical archaeology. Admission is free. I was able to park at


Hatshepsut and Moses

It is likely, though not a foregone conclusion, that Hatshepsut was Pharaoh’s daughter who showed great compassion towards Moses. She treated him as her own son despite her father’s decree to kill all the


Review of ‘Background to the Bible’

Why the need for another book to be written regarding biblical archaeology? Simply because new digs and discoveries are occurring frequently and vast amounts of materials are being sifted through as I am writing


The Moabite Stone

The Discovery The Moabite stone is an important biblical archaeological discovery for several reasons. It corroborates with the biblical text and provides insight, though most especially it points to the historicity of King David.


Review of ‘Evidence for the Bible’

Clive Anderson and Brian Edwards provide a great service by producing a biblical archaeology book accessible to many whilst facilitating the means to dig deeper. The layout is clear and amply illustrated with relevant


Historical Accounts Concerning Jesus

In the light of overwhelming historical evidence, no credible historian would deny that Jesus existed. The real issue is who He was and what He accomplished. However, since some today are adamant that ‘history


Archaeologists Recognise the Bible is Reliable

Biblical archaeology is the Achilles heel of the liberal theologians and the nail in the mummy’s coffin! The Biblical Archaeological Review in 2017 confirmed that fifty- three characters in the Bible have been proven