Boaz made his intentions clear by sending Ruth back to Naomi with six ephahs of barley. Discussion has occurred over the exact quantity. Though some say that this is the equivalent of 200lbs, 60-80lbs is more likely in view of transporting it. It would also be evidence for Naomi of Boaz’s kindness and would have assured Ruth of his great love for her and she would not forget the journey back either! Importantly it was an indication for Naomi that he would do what he promised.
Naomi performed a fantastic job of guiding Ruth through Israelite marriage and customs. How often we expound the virtues of Ruth yet fail to acknowledge Naomi’s contribution. Naomi had gone from bitterness to blessedness and that blessedness was about to be multiplied. Ruth had done all that she could do and now it was time for Boaz to do what he could.
Naomi asks Ruth to do something incredibly simple yet equally difficult. Wait! Ask an athlete whether they find it easy to wait or rest when they are recovering from an injury. The hardest thing is not the effort required but the necessary restraint needed to be exercised. In the same way, we must wait on the Lord. There are times when we need to wait, sit still, let go and to trust Him. Let go and let God work His way.
Our full union with the Lord awaits the return of the Bridegroom. Will you wait for him? When Jesus the Messiah returns will you wait for him or be caught sleeping? Have you sat down and waited at His feet like Mary did? Are you trusting in Him for your needs? The Lord neither slumbers nor sleeps and His timing is perfect. He will return at the end of the age and draw us into full union with Him. We will find our full and everlasting rest only in Him.