Other Religions and Worldviews

Look to the Lord, not to the Stars

Many years ago I had a lightbulb moment, when I recognised that in addition to the Bible accurately fulfilling prophecy and speaking authoritatively on things to come, it also diagnoses present patterns of behaviour


The Moral Argument for God

Why is it that there are so many books on the subject of crime in most bookstores? And why is there no shortage of series, films, documentaries, and even theatrical performances centred around crime,


Worshipping the Creator not the Creation

Environmentalism has been on the political agenda for quite some time now, but this year has seen a series of significant events. The Extinction Rebellion protesters have enlisted wide support, other groups have blocked


The Cosmological Argument for God

Today we hear much of the intelligent design argument for God and possibly less of the cosmological argument for God, than in past centuries. The cosmological argument is a logical argument pointing to a


The Aesthetic Argument for the Existence of God

Abundant and evident beauty points to the existence and glory of God. The aesthetic argument for God shares similarities with the teleological argument (order and intelligent design by the supreme Creator). We often quote


What the Bible Says About Spiritualism

Some people are convinced they have been in contact with the deceased. Specific details the medium presented seemingly proved that they received comforting messages from their loved ones. Others state that certain information was


Are Kabbalah and the Bible compatible?

Kabbalah has roots in Jewish mysticism that have taken various forms over the centuries. This article will draw heavily from ‘Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism’, a classic text by Gershom Scholem, in an attempt


Do Syncretised Worldviews Work and are they Consistent?

Worldviews in western civilization are becoming increasingly syncretised with alternative spiritualities. Various ideas and concepts from some eastern religions and philosophies have become popularised and intertwined. I frequently have conversations with people that believe


How can one be Free from Karma?

What assurance if any, do you have concerning the next life? What certainty is there of paying off karmic debt? How can we be certain this path is the right one? If you wanted